The Group counteracts corruption and bribery in accordance with the implemented Anti-Corruption Policy. By the end of 2024, it is planned to adapt the provisions of the Policy to the United Nations Convention in this respect. The Śnieżka Group has not implemented a separate procedure for quick, independent and objective investigation of incidents related to business activities, including incidents related to corruption and bribery.
In addition, FFiL Śnieżka SA and Śnieżka ToC adopted Procurement policy and the Supplier Code. Adoption of the documents in other companies is scheduled for 2024. Additionally, Śnieżka SA applies the Guidelines on the selection of a supplier for investment orders, orders resulting from the implementation of renovation and inspection works as well as orders resulting from the removal of the effects of a failure. The purpose of adopting the above-mentioned documents is to prevent the risk of corruption and bribery.
Detecting and responding to corruption-related incidents is regulated in the Internal Reporting Procedure and the Procedure for Considering Notifications.
Dedicated training related to the company’s business activities is organized for specific groups of employees. In 2023, they concerned Group products, personal data protection, ESG issues and the NND document management system. Within the Group the most susceptible persons to corruption and bribery are the ones holding positions in the purchasing department and other positions related to participation in the selection of suppliers of services, machines and equipment related to capital expenditure.