PLN 888.4 thousand
total value of financial and material donations from FFiL Śnieżka SA,
Social involvement has been an important part of the activities undertaken by the Group’s companies for years. Establishing it as one of the three areas of the „People” pillar of Śnieżka 2023+ Sustainable Development Strategy refers to the Group’s long-term initiatives for the community implemented through proprietary projects both on a local and national scale. An entity conducting such programs is Śnieżka Foundation, founded by Śnieżka SA.
The directions and areas of initiatives in which companies are involved are set by the Social Involvement Policy. According to this document, the primary goal of all activities is real support and assistance in designated areas in accordance with the principle of equal opportunities and sustainable development.
the Group’s social projects and other forms of engagement revolve around its mission. As for the activities related to society, the message “We believe colours matter” means „change for the better”, „inspiration” and „joy”, present in the lives of the beneficiaries thanks to the projects implemented by the Group companies and the Śnieżka Foundation.
the Group companies are engaged in crucial activities from the perspective of the inhabitants of their local communities. Also, the Group carries out activities throughout the country, addressed to public entities located in small towns or in areas where social exclusion is high.
the primary beneficiaries of the Group’s social actions are children and youth including their families and immediate milieu. Support is provided mainly in cooperation with or through public entities.
In the Social Involvement Policy established in 2022, the Śnieżka Group undertakes to commence new projects and continue social initiatives rooted in the history of FFiL Śnieżka SA along with their implementation in subsidiaries. The commitments also include: monitoring of on-going activities and regular verification of their validity, reliable communication about implemented projects and conducting dialogue to identify the needs of local communities. As far as social issues are concerned, apart from internal regulations regarding the consideration of applications, inquiries and requests, the Group considers the public regulations of social activities undertaken, specifying the principles of support and defining beneficiaries, as due diligence procedures. Many of them can be found on websites, including the Foundation’s website, where anti-harm children protection policy is available.
The Company, in line with the objective of the Sustainable Development Strategy, plans to allocate 1% of gross profit to social activities (in a 2-year cycle). Both in 2022 and 2023, the value of donations exceeded the assumed objective (which for 2023 amounted to PLN 770.4 thousand).
PLN 888.4 thousand
total value of financial and material donations from FFiL Śnieżka SA,
PLN 633 thousand
in favour of the Śnieżka Foundation,
PLN 255.4 thousand
thousand in favour of local initiatives and health care.
The scope of the Social Involvement Policy applies to the entire Group and to all companies, which are also obliged to comply with it, implement it in their daily work and communicate the provisions to their employees. The unit supervising compliance with the Policy is the Corporate Communication and ESG Department of FFiL Śnieżka SA.
Śnieżka’s flagship programs to support local communities, both nationally and locally, are: Children’s world in colours and “Przeogarniacze” (on behalf of the Śnieżka Foundation) and Koloratorium (a project run by FFiL Śnieżka SA).
In addition to the activities undertaken by the Group’s companies, the Social Involvement Policy also allows product brands to create their own social involvement strategies, as long as they are consistent with the communication strategies of these brands. In the reporting period, the Group companies were not engaged in any activities that could have a negative impact on local communities.