408.23 t
total weight of waste recycled in the Company
[ESRS E5-5]
All waste generated by the Group companies is subject to strict sorting by its type and waste code – in accordance with the applicable laws. FFiL Śnieżka SA sends all industrial and municipal waste generated to specialized facilities dealing with preparation for reuse, recycling or other recovery or disposal processes. The Company’s strategy assumes sending waste directly to facilities dealing with waste management. This allows to eliminate the possibility of uncontrolled and illegal emissions into the environment.
As part of waste management, the Group focuses primarily on industrial waste, the vast majority of which consists of washings. In addition, packaging waste (paper, plastics, metals, glass) and municipal waste segregated by type of material, i.e. paper, glass, metals, plastics, biomass and mixed waste, are also generated.
In 2023, analyses of the potential for reducing washings due to the reduction of industrial water consumption were successfully carried out (more information on this subject can be found in the Report in item The Group does not produce radioactive waste.
The only waste generated at FFiL Śnieżka SA which is disposed of in a landfill is mixed municipal waste that cannot be recycled or reused. They account for 0,6% of the total waste generated by the Company.
408.23 t
total weight of waste recycled in the Company
Entity | Śnieżka SA | Śnieżka Group | |
Total amount of waste generated | tonnes | 2925.066 | 3346.725 |
Total amount of hazardous waste that avoided disposal, including the following types of recovery process: | tonnes | 43.487 | 67.214 |
preparation for reuse | tonnes | 43.127** | 46.711 |
recycling | tonnes | 0.360 | 20.503 |
other recovery processes | – | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Total amount of non-hazardous waste that avoided disposal, including the following types of recovery process: | tonnes | 515.84 | 635.502 |
preparation for reuse | tonnes | 107.972 | 107.972 |
recycling | tonnes | 407.868 | 527.530 |
other recovery processes | – | 0.000 | 0.000 |
The amount of hazardous waste intended for disposal, including the following types of processing: | tonnes | 0.000 | 28.141 |
burning | – | 0.000 | 0.000 |
storage | tonnes | 0.000 | 28.1408 |
other disposal processes | – | 0.000 | 0.000 |
The amount of non-hazardous waste intended for disposal, including the following types of processing: | tonnes | 2365.739 | 2615.868 |
burning | – | 0.000 | 0.000 |
storage | tonnes | 18.560 | 266.009 |
other disposal processes | tonnes | 2347.179*** | 2349.859 |
Total amount of non-recycled waste | tonnes | 2516.838 | 2798.692 |
Total percentage of non-recycled waste | % | 86.04% | 83.62% |
The production processes of finished products in the Group’s plants do not directly generate hazardous waste. This waste is generated in indirect processes as a result of work accompanying production (e.g. cleaning of equipment, production line, technological apparatus, defective goods and products). In 2023, FFiL Śnieżka SA recorded a decrease in the generated hazardous waste compared to 2022. Less hazardous waste results from reduced production volumes.
A decline in the amount of hazardous waste generated was also recorded for the entire Śnieżka Group. Similarly to FFiL Śnieżka SA, the reduction resulted from a reduction in production volume, which is directly related to lower frequency of cleaning equipment and production lines. The lower volume of hazardous waste also stems from the reduction of the amount of defective and non-compliant goods and products.
The amount of non-hazardous waste generated in individual branches of the Group depends on many factors, such as production volume, emergency situations, renovations and modernizations, and activities related to maintaining biological cleanliness. Based on the complete set of data, it was determined that the implementation of goals and tasks aimed at caring for the natural environment had been achieved. Monitoring of the quantity and the method of management takes place on a continuous basis.
In 2023 – due to the reduction in production volume – a decrease in the generation of non-hazardous waste at FFiL Śnieżka SA occurred.
FFIL ŚNIEŻKA SA participates in developing and maintaining a system for the collection, transport, recovery and disposal of waste generated from packaging introduced onto the market. This process is carried out in accordance with legal requirements.
The Company also reduces its negative impact on the environment by sorting waste. Sorted waste, e.g. waste paper, is sold to external entities.
The Śnieżka Group implements guidelines for the circular economy. In 2023, it carried out activities aimed at increasing the amount of recycled raw materials. The Group companies have implemented waste sorting and selection of materials according to their processing possibilities. The Good Practices section describes several actions implemented in 2023 in the field of waste reduction and recycling.