- detailed guidelines are set out in the HR Policy of the Śnieżka Group and the Quality, Environmental and Health and Safety Policy of the Śnieżka Group.

Respect for human rights
The Śnieżka Group respects human rights in relations with employees and suppliers and ensures that they are respected in mutual relations between employees. These issues are regulated by the Human Rights Respect Policy, which complements and consolidates those aspects included in other intra-group regulations. The policy defines the principles of activities and behaviour related to human rights in the Group, including in the supply chain and relations with stakeholders.
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
- International Charter of Human Rights,
- the eight most important conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO),
- UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,
- The UN Global Compact initiative.
Respect for human rights is also defined in detail in the Code of Ethics (described in the Report in item Its provisions are based on the Book of Organizational Values and other policies and regulations related to broadly understood ethics. The Book of Organizational Values describes the principles, behaviours and attitudes expected from employees in the Śnieżka Group, related to ethical behaviour, norms of social coexistence and respect and dignity.
Principles of the Code of Ethics related to human rights:
- detailed guidelines are set out in the HR Policy of the Śnieżka Group.
- detailed guidelines are set out in the HR Policy of the Śnieżka Group.
- detailed guidelines are set out in the Diversity Policy of the Śnieżka Group and the Regulations for Counteracting Mobbing, Discrimination and Harassment.
- detailed guidelines are set out in the Human Rights Policy of the Śnieżka Group.
The Group companies strive to respect human rights on a universal basis, without evaluating them. Due to the transparency of obligations and their availability to the Group’s stakeholders, the Human Rights Respect Policy distinguishes eight areas of special commitment to counteracting human rights violations.
- occupational health and safety,
- ensuring freedom of assembly,
- elimination of exploitation,
- elimination of forced or compulsory labour, human trafficking and all forms of modern slavery,
- abolition of child labour,
- compliance with employment conditions,
- preventing discrimination,
- respect for the rights of local communities.
Both the parent company and other subsidiaries of the Śnieżka Group are obliged to comply with the Human Rights Respect Policy. Compliance with the provisions of the Policy is regularly monitored. The unit overseeing the implementation of the Policy is the People Department of FFiL Śnieżka SA.
Human Rights in the Supplier Code
The Śnieżka Group expects all its contractors to respect human rights, which is presented in the Supplier Code, which applies to all business partners.
- comply with international standards for the protection of human and employee rights, in particular the prohibition of forced labour, slavery, child labour under the age of 15 and the provision of special care to employees under the age of 18;
- counteract discrimination based on sex, race and ethnicity, age, religion, psychosexual orientation, worldview, disability and type of employment;
- counteract mobbing and harassment;
- respect the right of employees to associate and conduct collective bargaining, if permitted by local law;
- transparency of personnel activities;
- ensure friendly and decent employment conditions, i.e. compliance of working conditions, working hours and salaries and allowances with local regulations.
Compliance with the Supplier Code is a condition for establishing and conducting business relations with the Śnieżka Group.