Compliance with the accounting act
The Śnieżka Group’s statement on non-financial information - constituting a separate part of the Management Board's report on operations - (hereinafter the "Statement") is the fulfilment of the obligation imposed by the Accounting Act (hereinafter “Act"), which transposes Directive 2014/95 /EU of the European Parliament of October 22, 2014 on disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by certain large entities and groups.
The statement was prepared for both FFiL Śnieżka SA, as the parent company (pursuant to Art. 49b (1) of the Act) and the entire Śnieżka Group (pursuant to Art. 55 (2b) of the Act). The scope of consolidation of the statement coincides with the financial statement.
The statement fulfils the obligations imposed by art. 49b paragraph. 2-8 of the Act, including the description of the business model and reporting on social, employee and environmental issues, respect for human rights and counteracting corruption. For the purpose of developing this Statement, an analysis of the Group’s due diligence policies and procedures as well as the activities carried out in the Group’s companies were performed. The scope of information and indicators presented in the Statement was determined based on an internal simplified materiality analysis process, based on the European Sustainable Development Reporting Standards.
Additionally, for the purposes of the Statement for 2023, it was analysed whether the business activity conducted by the Group qualifies for the taxonomy specified in the Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2020 on establishing a framework to facilitate sustainable investments (the so-called Taxonomy) – to the extent required by the above-mentioned Regulation in annual reports for 2023.
Index of content required to be disclosed in accordance with the Accounting Act
Item | Issue | Location in the Report |
1. | Business model | |
2. | Key non-financial performance indicators related to entity’s operations | |
3. | A description of the policies applied by the entity in relation to the following issues: social, employee, natural environment, respect for human rights and counteracting corruption, as well as a description of the results of applying the policies in question | |
4. | Description of due diligence procedures – if the entity applies them as part of the policies referred to in sec. 3. | |
5. | A description of significant risks related to the entity’s operations that may have an adverse impact on the issues referred to in sec. 3, including risks related to the entity’s products or its relations with the external environment, including contractors, as well as a description of the management of the risks in question |