>150,000 kWh
expected annual savings related to the implemented activities
The Śnieżka Group monitors the electricity used in its plants. The related environmental impact has been determined since 2020 through scope 2 emissions and carbon footprint calculations. Both in the Group and in the parent company FFiL Śnieżka SA, an approximately 10% decrease in electricity consumption was recorded in 2023 – which resulted, inter alia, from from conscious and economical use of energy and process optimization. Only in the case of the Śnieżka-Ukraina production plant, an increase in energy consumption by approximately 5% was recorded, which is the result of higher production volume, by approximately 25%.
100% electricity purchased by FFiL Śnieżka SA in 2023 came from renewable energy sources, which is confirmed by guarantees of origin and documents confirming their redemption issued by the Polish Power Exchange. The percentage of energy consumed from renewable energy sources in the Śnieżka Group in 2023 was as much as 69%. In the next year, we intend further growth due to theerection of photovoltaic systems in Ukraine and Hungary and the contracting of the supply of energy from renewable energy sources in 2024 by Śnieżka SA, Śnieżka ToC and Rafil SA.
The investment plan for 2023 includes projects supporting the implementation of the sustainable development strategy adopted for FFiL Śnieżka SA and Śnieżka ToC. The system for measuring and monitoring the consumption of electricity, gas, heat and water was expanded. This system allows to analyse and identify areas with the highest potential for saving electricity and heat. A team specially appointed for this purpose analysed and selected a number of measures that could reduce energy consumption and at the same time have a short payback period.
Projects completed in 2023 include: replacement of lighting in office buildings with energy-saving ones (LED), installation of motion sensors in bathrooms, switching off some external lighting and installation of a sensor system that turns off air conditioning devices when windows are opened.
>150,000 kWh
expected annual savings related to the implemented activities
At the same time, an information campaign was carried out under the following slogan „Don’t waste!”, the aim of which was to draw the attention of the company’s employees to the issue of saving electricity and heat.
Even though the FFiL Śnieżka SA plants are not classified as energy-intensive activities, in 2023 work commenced on optimizing electricity consumption in production processes. An analysis and assessment of possible measures to increase energy efficiency was carried out, including: tests to shorten the duration of individual production processes were initiated. Machines and equipment were also replaced (including two dissolvers) with more efficient ones, and a new mill for grinding pigment pastes was acquired, which reduced energy consumption.
2023 is also the time to implement the first stage of the transformation of Śnieżka SA towards green energy. Design, formal and legal work was initiated to obtain the required consents enabling the installation of PV systems on the premises of four production facilities belonging to FFiL Śnieżka SA. The anticipated total power of the scheduled systems is approximately 4.5 MWp – this will cover approximately 30% of the company’s demand for electricity.
Concurrently, in two foreign companies of the Śnieżka Group, in Hungary and Ukraine, PV systems were installed in 2023, which will generate „green” electricity by 2024. The Hungarian company Poli-Farbe KFT had a system installed on the ground with a power of approximately 450 kWp, which will cover approximately 25% of the electricity demand. In Śnieżka Ukraina, PV panels with a total capacity of approximately 350 kWp were installed on the roofs of existing facilities. This will cover approximately 20% of the factory’s demand.