climate change mitigation
Taxonomy is a classification tool designed to help investors, financial institutions and enterprises make informed investment decisions regarding environmentally sustainable business activities. As a result, the Taxonomy is the basic element of the activity classification system – broken down into sustainable and not classified as sustainable. The establishment of the above-mentioned system and classification criteria aims to implement the “European Green Deal” development strategy – including the transition to a safe, climate-neutral, climate-resilient and more resource-efficient circular economy.
In accordance with the Taxonomy Regulation (i.e. Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2020 on establishing a framework to facilitate sustainable investment, OJ L 198, 22.6.2020, p. 13— 43) In the annual report, the Group is obliged to disclose:
climate change mitigation
adaptation to climate change
sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources
transition to a circular economy
pollution prevention and control
protecting and restoring biodiversity and ecosystems
Detailed requirements regarding the disclosure of the above-mentioned indicators are regulated by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178, which details the principles set out in Art. 8 EU Taxonomy.
As part of this year’s reporting, the Group is obliged to prepare a full report regarding the first two goals, i.e. climate mitigation and adaptation, and regarding the remaining goals only to report to what extent its activities are included in the taxonomy. This year, the Group voluntarily decided to fully report under the 6 objectives of the EU Taxonomy.
The Group is obliged to report on the extent to which its activities are sustainable within the meaning of the EU Taxonomy. For this purpose, the Group developed and carried out a process of examining compliance with the EU Taxonomy, which was divided into four stages: records, identification, allocation and verification.
The Group verified compliance with the Technical Qualification Criteria for selected types of activities eligible for the taxonomy. The individual criteria of making a significant contribution and not causing serious harm specified in the TTK were analysed.
The Group generates revenues mainly from the sale of decorative paints and construction chemicals, which are intended for decoration and protection of substrates. Currently, there is no TKK model for this activity, therefore it does not qualify for the EU Taxonomy. It should be highlighted, however, that the Group’s operations are conducted taking into account the implementation of sustainable development goals, including in accordance with the highest standards of environmental protection.
The condition of DNSH aims to ensure that there is no situation in which the implementation of one of the environmental goals would be achieved at the expense of the others.
During the analysis of the compliance of the Group’s activities with the EU Taxonomy, compliance with the DNSH criteria was verified for all activities that met the criteria for making a significant contribution.
The Group conducted a climate risk and climate change vulnerability assessment to identify which production locations may be at risk from physical climate risks. The climate risk assessment was carried out based on the guidelines contained in Appendix A to the TKK. Identified risks were assessed in relation to the local environment and, where necessary, measures were developed to minimize them.
The Group takes action to maintain water quality and avoid water scarcity. The Group takes all reasonable actions related to maintaining high water quality and avoiding water deficits in order to achieve good status of the aquatic environment.
The Group takes steps to transition to a circular economy, and the circular economy guidelines are the direction of the Group’s development.
In order to implement the DNSH principle of pollution prevention and control in relation to the use and presence of chemicals, the Group strives not to produce, distribute or use substances listed in Appendix C to the TKK and operates in accordance with the principles expressed therein.
Care for biodiversity protection is taken into account in the Group’s activities. The assessment of risks to biodiversity and general standards of conduct was carried out based on the guidelines contained in Appendix D to the TKK. To ensure compliance with requirements regarding biodiversity and ecosystems, the Group conducts continuous monitoring of the implementation of the requirements imposed on it by environmental protection law.
Pursuant to Art. 18 EU Taxonomy:
1.”The minimum guarantees referred to in Art. 3 item c) are procedures followed by a business enterprise to ensure compliance with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, including the principles and rights set out in the eight core conventions identified in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the principles and rights set out in the International Bill of Human Rights.
2.Using the procedures referred to in section 1 of this Article, enterprises shall comply with the principle „do no significant harm” referred to in Art. 2(17) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088.
It is worth pointing out that in June 2023, the OECD Council adopted an update of the OECD Guidelines, including: expanding their scope and specifying issues related to environmental protection Particularly important changes in the OECD Guidelines concerned: introducing recommendations to align its environmental goals with internationally agreed climate change and biodiversity goals and introducing recommendations to include issues related to new technologies and the use of data in the due diligence process.
In recent years, the Group has already verified compliance with the Minimum Guarantees.
The Group takes measures to protect all universally recognized human rights and has no information that any human rights violations have occurred within its value chain.
Moreover, the Group has verified that no serious or systematic human rights violations have been reported in relation to its activities.
However, due diligence is a process to which the Group pays special attention. For this reason, in order to fully meet the minimum guarantees during the current reporting period, the Group cooperated with an external advisory entity. During the work it was determined that due to the update of the OECD Guidelines, the Group, as a socially responsible entity, cannot declare its compliance with the minimum guarantees in this reporting period. It should be emphasized that the Group does not have a negative impact on areas covered by the minimum guarantees, and does not violate generally protected human and employee rights.
The failure to meet the minimum guarantees in 2023 is primarily related to the update of the OECD Guidelines, including the failure to adopt measurable long-term emission reduction goals.
However, the Group does not stop its efforts and intends to devote the entire year 2024 to continuing the initiated work to fully implement the minimum guarantees.At the stage of preparing this report, work is pending to develop measurable, science-based environmental goals.
The basis for the calculation of turnover indicators, capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OpEx) were the definitions set out in Annex I to the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178.
The basis was the total revenues of the Group in 2023, disclosed in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income under „Sales revenues” item (described in note 3.2.1 to the consolidated financial statements). The turnover calculated in this manner is the denominator that allows to calculate the activity indicators qualifying for the taxonomy broken down into environmentally sustainable and environmentally unsustainable activities. The indicator numerator should present revenues from activities eligible for the taxonomy, broken down into activities environmentally sustainable and unsustainable.
Constitutes capital expenditure in the Group, recognized entirely in the consolidated financial statements as at December 31, 2023 in the table of movements in expenditure on fixed assets under construction (Tangible fixed assets – note 3.8) and in the table of movements in expenditure on intangible assets (note 3.10). The expenditure is the denominator for calculating the activity indicators eligible for the taxonomy, broken down into activities environmentally sustainable and unsustainable. This denominator includes the increase in tangible fixed assets and intangible assets during a given financial year, including the capitalization of external financing costs, before accumulated depreciation write-offs. The numerator of indicators in turn discloses the part of CAPEX that concerns the types of activities qualifying for taxonomies divided into activities environmentally sustainable and unsustainable. The numerator here equals to the part of capital expenditure (CAPEX) that concerns assets or processes related to business activities consistent with the taxonomy, concerns the purchase of products from business activities consistent with the taxonomy, or when they are part of a plan aimed at meeting the criteria.
The basis were all non-capitalized costs, including: costs for the current operation of the Group’s assets and maintaining them in good condition. These costs include, inter alia, personnel costs of employees responsible for maintenance and repairs, costs of repairs and overhauls of devices, inspections, cleaning costs, fire protection costs, building protection costs. The sum of these costs is the denominator for calculating the activity indicators eligible for the taxonomy, broken down into activities environmentally sustainable and unsustainable. In the indicator numerator, it discloses the part of OPEX costs that relates to the types of activities eligible for the taxonomy, broken down into activities environmentally sustainable and unsustainable.
No changes were introduced in relation to the last reporting period.
The data used for the calculations come from the financial and accounting systems of individual companies belonging to the Capital Group.
In the report for 2023, the Group discloses for the second time the share of activities consistent with the taxonomy making a significant contribution to achieving the goals of mitigating climate change and adapting to climate change. For the first time, the Group also voluntarily reports in full the share of activities consistent with the taxonomy that make a significant contribution to the achievement of other environmental goals, despite the lack of a legal obligation. The disclosure applies to the period from 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023.
The analysis did not identify activities contributing to more than one environmental goal. There was therefore no need to apply special procedures to avoid double counting for different environmental goals.
The Group does not conduct, finance or have exposure to the activities referred to in sections 4.26 – 4.31 of Annexes I and II to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2139, i.e. activities related to the production of energy through nuclear processes and production of energy from gaseous fossil fuels.
As a result of the analysis carried out at the level of the Group and the Company, no categories of revenues generated by the Group or the Company in 2023 were identified that would qualify for the taxonomy included in the annexes to delegated acts on environmental objectives.
Fiscal year 2023 | Year | Criteria for significant contribution | Criteria for the DNSH policy „do no significant harm” | ||||||||||||||||
Business activity (1) |
Code or codes (2) |
Turnover (3) |
Turnover percentage year 2023 (4) |
Mitigating climate change (5) |
Adaptation to climate change (6) |
Water and marine resources (7) |
Contamination (8) | Circular economy (9) | Biodiversity (10) | Mitigating climate change (11) |
Adaptation to climate change (12) |
Water and marine resources (13) |
Contamination (14) | Circular economy (15) | Biodiversity (16) | Minimum guarantees (17) | Share of activities consistent with the taxonomy (A.1.) or qualifying for the taxonomy (A.2.) Turnover, 2022 (18) |
Category supporting activity (19) |
Category transition activity (20) |
Text | Currency [in PLN ‘000] | % | T; N; N/EL | T; N; N/EL | T; N; N/EL | T; N; N/EL | T; N; N/EL | T; N; N/EL | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | % | E | T | |
A.1 Types of environmentally sustainable activities (in line with the taxonomy) | |||||||||||||||||||
Turnover from environmentally sustainable activities (according to the taxonomy) (A.1) | 0.0 | 0.0% | N | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | T | N | 0.0% | E | |||||||
Turnover from environmentally sustainable activities (according to the taxonomy) (A.1) | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | ||||||||||
Including supporting | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | E | |||||||||
Including transition activity | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | T | ||||||||||||||
A.2 Activities eligible for the taxonomy but not environmentally sustainable (non-taxonomy activities) | |||||||||||||||||||
EL; N/EL | EL; N/EL | EL; N/EL | EL; N/EL | EL; N/EL | EL; N/EL | ||||||||||||||
Turnover from activities eligible for the taxonomy but not environmentally sustainable (non-taxonomy activities) (A.2) | 0.0 | 0.0% | EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | 0.0% | ||||||||||
Turnover from activities eligible for the taxonomy but not environmentally sustainable (non-taxonomy activities) (A.2) | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | ||||||||||
A. Turnover from activities eligible for the taxonomy (A.1+A.2) | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | ||||||||||
Turnover from activities not eligible for the taxonomy | 857,773 | 100.0% | |||||||||||||||||
TOTAL | 857,773 | 100.0% |
Fiscal year 2023 | Year | Criteria for significant contribution | Criteria for the DNSH policy „do no significant harm” | ||||||||||||||||
Business activity (1) |
Code or codes (2) |
Turnover (3) | Turnover percentage year 2023 (4) |
Mitigating climate change (5) |
Adaptation to climate change (6) |
Water and marine resources (7) |
Contamination (8) | Circular economy (9) | Biodiversity (10) | Mitigating climate change (11) |
Adaptation to climate change (12) |
Water and marine resources (13) |
Contamination (14) | Circular economy (15) | Biodiversity (16) | Minimum guarantees (17) | Share of activities consistent with the taxonomy (A.1.) or qualifying for the taxonomy (A.2.) Turnover, 2022 (18) |
Category supporting activity (19) |
Category transition activity (20) |
Text | Currency [in PLN ‘000] | % | T; N; N/EL | T; N; N/EL | T; N; N/EL | T; N; N/EL | T; N; N/EL | T; N; N/EL | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | % | E | T | |
A.1 Types of environmentally sustainable activities (in line with the taxonomy) | |||||||||||||||||||
Turnover from environmentally sustainable activities (according to the taxonomy) (A.1) | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | E | |||||||||||||||
Turnover from environmentally sustainable activities (according to the taxonomy) (A.1) | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0 | 0.0% | ||||||||||
Including supporting | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0 | 0.0% | E | |||||||||
Including transition activity | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0 | 0.0% | T | ||||||||||||||
A.2 Activities eligible for the taxonomy but not environmentally sustainable (non-taxonomy activities) | |||||||||||||||||||
EL; N/EL | EL; N/EL | EL; N/EL | EL; N/EL | EL; N/EL | EL; N/EL | ||||||||||||||
Turnover from activities eligible for the taxonomy but not environmentally sustainable (non-taxonomy activities) (A.2) | 0.0 | 0.0% | EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | 0.0% | ||||||||||
Turnover from activities eligible for the taxonomy but not environmentally sustainable (non-taxonomy activities) (A.2) | 0.0% | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | ||||||||||
A. Turnover from activities eligible for the taxonomy (A.1+A.2) | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | ||||||||||
Turnover from activities not eligible for the taxonomy | 568 736 | 100.0% | |||||||||||||||||
TOTAL | 568 736 | 100.0% |
As part of the examination of compliance with the Taxonomy, all investment projects implemented in 2023 in the Group and in the Company were subject to analysis. Due to the failure to meet minimum guarantees, the Group cannot indicate any activity that is consistent with the EU Taxonomy.
Expenditures in this group account for 15.7% of all capital expenditures of the Group and 11.5% of all capital expenditures of the Company.
Fiscal year 2023 | Year | Criteria for significant contribution | Criteria for the DNSH policy „do no significant harm” | ||||||||||||||||
Business activity (1) |
Code or codes (2) |
Capital expenditures (3) |
Percentage of capital expenditures 2023 (4) |
Mitigating climate change (5) |
Adaptation to climate change (6) |
Water and marine resources (7) |
Contamination (8) | Circular economy (9) | Biodiversity (10) | Mitigating climate change (11) |
Adaptation to climate change (12) |
Water and marine resources (13) |
Contamination (14) | Circular economy (15) | Biodiversity (16) | Minimum guarantees (17) | Share of activities consistent with the taxonomy (A.1.) or qualifying for the taxonomy (A.2.) Capital expenditures 2022 (18) |
Category supporting activity (19) |
Category transition activity (20) |
Text | Currency [in PLN ‘000] | % | T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | % | E | T | |
A.1 Types of environmentally sustainable activities (in line with the taxonomy) | |||||||||||||||||||
Installation, maintenance and repair of instruments and devices for measuring, adjusting and controlling the energy performance of a building. | CCM 7.5 | 0.0 | 0.0% | N | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | T | N | 1,5% | E | ||||||
Capital expenditure related to environmentally sustainable activities (according to the taxonomy) (A.1) | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 1.5% | ||||||||||
Including supporting | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 1.5% | E | |||||||||
Including transition activity | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | T | ||||||||||||||
A.2 Activities eligible for the taxonomy but not environmentally sustainable (non-taxonomy activities) | |||||||||||||||||||
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
Production of electricity using photovoltaic technology | CCM 4.1 | 1,565.7 | 4.6% | EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | 0.0% | |||||||||
Transportation by motorbikes, passenger cars and light commercial vehicles | CCM 6.5 | 2,573.9 | 7.6% | EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | 1.7% | |||||||||
Road freight transport services | CCM 6.6 | 465.3 | 1.4% | EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | 0.0% | |||||||||
Infrastructure for personal mobility, bicycle logistics | CCM 6.13 | 42.0 | 0.1% | EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | 0.0% | |||||||||
Installation, maintenance and repair of energy efficiency equipment | CCM 7.3 | 554.8 | 1.6% | EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | 0.4% | |||||||||
Installation, maintenance and repair of instruments and devices for measuring, adjusting and controlling the energy performance of a building | CCM 7.5 | 954.0 | 2.8% | EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | 0.0% | |||||||||
Installation, maintenance and repair of renewable energy technology systems | CCM 7.6 | 723.1 | 2.1% | EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | 0.0% | |||||||||
Capital expenditure related to activities eligible for the taxonomy but not environmentally sustainable (non-taxonomy activities) (A.2) | 5,313.1 | 15.7% | 15.7% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 2.1% | ||||||||||
A. Capital expenditure related to activities eligible for the taxonomy (A.1+A.2) | 5,313.1 | 15.7% | 15.7% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 3.6% | ||||||||||
Capital expenditure related to activities not eligible for the taxonomy | 28,534.1 | 84.3% | |||||||||||||||||
TOTAL | 33,847.2 | 100.0% |
Fiscal year 2023 | Year | Criteria for significant contribution | Criteria for the DNSH policy „do no significant harm” | ||||||||||||||||
Business activity (1) |
Code or codes (2) |
Capital expenditures (3) |
Percentage of capital expenditures 2023 (4) |
Mitigating climate change (5) |
Adaptation to climate change (6) |
Water and marine resources (7) |
Contamination (8) | Circular economy (9) | Biodiversity (10) | Mitigating climate change (11) |
Adaptation to climate change (12) |
Water and marine resources (13) |
Contamination (14) | Circular economy (15) | Biodiversity (16) | Minimum guarantees (17) | Share of activities consistent with the taxonomy (A.1.) or qualifying for the taxonomy (A.2.) Capital expenditures 2022 (18) |
Category supporting activity (19) |
Category transition activity (20) |
Tekst | Waluta [tys. PLN] | % | T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | % | E | T | |
A.1 Types of environmentally sustainable activities (in line with the taxonomy) | |||||||||||||||||||
Installation, maintenance and repair of instruments and devices for measuring, adjusting and controlling the energy performance of a building. | CCM 7.5 | 0.0 | 0.0% | N | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | T | N | 1,6% | E | ||||||
Capital expenditure related to environmentally sustainable activities (according to the taxonomy) (A.1) | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 1.6% | ||||||||||
Including supporting | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 1.6% | E | |||||||||
Including transition activity | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | T | ||||||||||||||
A.2 Activities eligible for the taxonomy but not environmentally sustainable (non-taxonomy activities) | |||||||||||||||||||
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
Transportation by motorbikes, passenger cars and light commercial vehicles | CCM 6.5 | 607.7 | 2.7% | EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | 0.9% | |||||||||
Road freight transport services | CCM 6.6 | 465.3 | 2.0% | EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | 0.0% | |||||||||
Infrastructure for personal mobility, bicycle logistics | CCM 6.13 | 42.5 | 0.2% | EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | 0.0% | |||||||||
Installation, maintenance and repair of energy efficiency equipment | CCM 7.3 | 554.8 | 2.4% | EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | 0.2% | |||||||||
Installation, maintenance and repair of instruments and devices for measuring, adjusting and controlling the energy performance of a building. | CCM 7.5 | 954.0 | 4.2% | EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | 0.0% | |||||||||
Capital expenditure related to activities eligible for the taxonomy but not environmentally sustainable (non-taxonomy activities) (A.2) | 2,624.3 | 11.5% | 11.5% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 1.1% | ||||||||||
A. Capital expenditure related to activities eligible for the taxonomy (A.1+A.2) | 2,624.3 | 11.5% | 11.5% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 2.7% | ||||||||||
Capital expenditure related to activities not eligible for the taxonomy | 20,143.4 | 88.5% | |||||||||||||||||
TOTAL | 22,767.7 | 100.0% |
As part of the examination of compliance with the Taxonomy, operational expenditures implemented in 2023 in the Capital Group and in the Company were subject to analysis. Due to the failure to meet minimum guarantees, the Group cannot indicate any activity that is consistent with the EU Taxonomy.
Expenditures in this group account for 0.8% of all operational expenditures of the Group and 0.9% of all operational ones of the Company.
Activities no CCM7.3 and CE4.1
Business activity | Cost |
Activity no CCM7.3 | |
Activities in the are of building renovation | 0 |
Leasing | 0 |
Maintenance and repair costs | PLN 51.44 thousand |
Other | 0 |
Total | PLN 51.44 thousand |
Activities no CE4.1 | |
Research and development | 0 |
Activities in the are of building renovation | 0 |
Leasing | 0 |
Maintenance and repair costs | PLN 46.88 thousand |
Other | 0 |
Total | PLN 46.88 thousand |
Fiscal year 2023 | Year | Criteria for significant contribution | Criteria for the DNSH policy „do no significant harm” | ||||||||||||||||
Business activity (1) |
Code or codes (2) |
Capital expenditures (3) |
Percentage of capital expenditures 2023 (4) |
Percentage of capital expenditures 2023 (4) |
Adaptation to climate change (6) |
Water and marine resources (7) |
Contamination (8) | Circular economy (9) | Biodiversity (10) | Mitigating climate change (11) |
Adaptation to climate change (12) |
Water and marine resources (13) |
Contamination (14) | Circular economy (15) ) | Biodiversity (16) | Minimum guarantees (17) | Share of activities consistent with the taxonomy (A.1.) or qualifying for the taxonomy (A.2.) Operational expenditures, 2022 (18) |
Category supporting activity (19) |
Category transition activity (20) |
Text | Currency [in PLN ‘000] | % | T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | % | E | T | |
A.1 Types of environmentally sustainable activities (in line with the taxonomy) | |||||||||||||||||||
Installation, maintenance and repair of energy efficiency equipment. | CCM 7.3 | 0.0 | 0.0% | N | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | T | N | 1.5% | |||||||
Operational expenditure related to environmentally sustainable activities (according to the taxonomy) (A.1) | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 1.5% | ||||||||||
Including supporting | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 1.5% | E | |||||||||
Including transition activity | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | T | ||||||||||||||
A.2 Activities eligible for the taxonomy but not environmentally sustainable (non-taxonomy activities) | |||||||||||||||||||
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
Installation, maintenance and repair of energy efficiency equipment | CCM7.3. | 51.44 | 0.4% | EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | 0.9% | |||||||||
Providing data-driven IT/OT solutions to reduce leakages | CE4.1 | 46.88 | 0.4% | N/EL | N/EL | EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | 0.0% | |||||||||
Operational expenditure related to activities eligible for the taxonomy but not environmentally sustainable (non-taxonomy activities) (A.2) | 98.32 | 0.8% | 0.9% | ||||||||||||||||
A. Operational expenditure related to activities eligible for the taxonomy (A.1+A.2) | 98.32 | 0.8% | 2.6% | ||||||||||||||||
A. Operational expenditure related to activities not eligible for the taxonomy | 12,393.30 | 99.2% | |||||||||||||||||
TOTAL | 12,491.6 | 100.0% |
Fiscal year 2023 | Year | Criteria for significant contribution | Criteria for the DNSH policy „do no significant harm” | ||||||||||||||||
Business activity (1) |
Code or codes (2) |
Capital expenditures (3) |
Percentage of capital expenditures 2023 (4) |
Mitigating climate change (5) |
Adaptation to climate change (6) |
Water and marine resources (7) |
Contamination (8) | Circular economy (9) | Biodiversity (10) | Mitigating climate change (11) |
Adaptation to climate change (12) |
Water and marine resources (13) |
Contamination (14) | Circular economy (15) | Biodiversity (16) | Minimum guarantees (17) | Share of activities consistent with the taxonomy (A.1.) or qualifying for the taxonomy (A.2.) Operational expenditures, 2022 (18) |
Category supporting activity (19) |
Category transition activity (20) |
Text | Currency [in PLN ‘000] | % | T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T; N; N/EL |
T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | T/N | % | E | T | |
A.1 Types of environmentally sustainable activities (in line with the taxonomy) | |||||||||||||||||||
Installation, maintenance and repair of energy efficiency equipment. | CCM 7.3 | 0.0 | 0.0% | N | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | T | N | 1.5% | |||||||
Operational expenditure related to environmentally sustainable activities (according to the taxonomy) (A.1) | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 1.5% | ||||||||||
Including supporting | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 1.5% | E | |||||||||
Including transition activity | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | T | ||||||||||||||
A.2 Activities eligible for the taxonomy but not environmentally sustainable (non-taxonomy activities) | |||||||||||||||||||
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
EL; N/EL |
Installation, maintenance and repair of energy efficiency equipment. | CCM7.3. | 51.44 | 0.5% | EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | 1.5% | |||||||||
Providing data-driven IT/OT solutions to reduce leakages | CE4.1 | 46.88 | 0.4% | N/EL | N/EL | EL | N/EL | N/EL | N/EL | 0.0% | |||||||||
Operational expenditure related to activities eligible for the taxonomy but not environmentally sustainable (non-taxonomy activities) (A.2) | 98.32 | 0.9% | 1.5% | ||||||||||||||||
A. Operational expenditure related to activities eligible for the taxonomy (A.1+A.2) | 98.32 | 0.9% | 3.0% | ||||||||||||||||
A. Operational expenditure related to activities not eligible for the taxonomy | 10,551.91 | 99.1% | |||||||||||||||||
TOTAL | 10,650.2 | 100.0% |