PLN 204.8 thousand
the amount that the Foundation received as part of the collection from 1.5% tax in 2023
The objectives in the discussed area are also implemented by the Śnieżka Foundation - a public benefit organization established by FFiL Śnieżka SA. The foundation has been operating since 2005 based on its own charter. Its basic ambition is to educate and support the development, especially of children and youth The foundation objectives also include the promotion and protection of health and social assistance for people in difficult life situations.
PLN 204.8 thousand
the amount that the Foundation received as part of the collection from 1.5% tax in 2023
PLN 633 thousand
value of financial and material donations from FFiL Śnieżka SA to the Foundation in 2023
More information about the Śnieżka Foundation and its reports can be found at:
A project addressed to fourth grade primary school students. During five 90-minute workshops, issues related to economics, entrepreneurship and pro-social and pro-environmental activities are presented. Lesson plans are based on the so-called active forms of teaching, i.e. education through cooperation and play. The topics of the meetings are selected to show students the possibility of applying the issues discussed in everyday life and to teach them to make informed decisions. The Foundation provides a trainer conducting the classes and covers all costs related to the project implementation.
1,820 students from 106 fourth grades of 35 primary schools (some of them several times) in the Dębica district took part in all previous editions of Przeogarniacze. In the 2023 edition, 426 students from 18 primary schools participated in the classes.
A nationwide program for comprehensive renovation and painting of hospital wards, which translates into improved treatment conditions for patients and the comfort of work of medical staff. As part of the project, the Foundation focuses mainly on children’s wards throughout Poland, giving priority to renovating children’s psychiatric wards. In 2023, the rooms of Cardiology Department at the Health Care Complex in Dębica was renovated.
The Foundation also renovated two wings of the Ward of the Psychiatric Clinic for Children and Adolescents at the Warsaw Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology. During several months of renovation, patient rooms and doctor’s offices were refurbished and repainted. The ward space has also been enriched with colourful illustrations with Warsaw motifs. The works included smoothing, priming and painting the walls, as well as partial replacement of the ceiling coffers.
In addition to the projects mentioned above, the Foundation – together with Śnieżka – also runs a program thanks to which local public entities and NGOs can obtain a 35% discount on the purchase of Śnieżka products for the renovation of their facilities. 23 institutions took advantage of this opportunity in 2023.