Creating a diverse and inclusive work environment

  • Objective of sustainable development strategy :

    Strategic objectives:

    • Building a diverse and inclusive work environment
    • Maintaining a low level of employee turnover

    Operational objectives for 2023:

    • 100% of employees participated in the training on counteracting mobbing and discrimination
    • Maintaining the year-on-year voluntary departure rate of employees below 11% for line positions

    Achievement of objectives:

    • 97% of employees completed training on counteracting mobbing and discrimination
    • Voluntary turnover rate: 4.17% for line positions

In 2023, the employment level in FFiL Śnieżka SA and Śnieżka ToC was influenced by changes – remodelling within internal structures aimed at adapting them to new and existing processes and market demands.  The approach to the definition of managerial positions was also subject to change.  At the end of 2023, employment in the Śnieżka Group decreased by 0.87% – 1,140 people worked in the Group, 10 less than on December 31, 2022. Insignificantly – by 0.82% – in 2023, employment at FFiL Śnieżka SA – the parent company of the Group employed 611 people at the end of the year, 5 more than in the previous year.

[ESRS S1-6]

The data is presented as the number of employees as of December 31, 2023. The employees do not include persons employed on a basis other than an employment contract. As at December 31, 2023, FFiL Śnieżka SA employed 2 persons under a mandate contract, 1 person under a contract for specific work and 1 person under a B2B contract, while at Śnieżka ToC 1 person was employed under a mandate contract and 59 persons rendered B2B services.

Number of employees in total and by gender

Gender Number of employees
FFiL Śnieżka SA Śnieżka Group
Men 437 757
Women 174 383
Other 0 0
Not reported 0 0
Employees total 611 1140

Number of employees in countries where the entity employs at least 50 employees constituting at least 10% of the total number of employees of that entity

Country Number of employees
Poland 778
Hungary 178
Ukraine 169

Number of employees by contract type, broken down by gender (number of people) at FFIL Śnieżka SA

FFiL Śnieżka SA
[As at 31.12.2023]
Number of employees (total number)
174 437 0 0 611
Number of employees hired for an indefinite period (total number)
152 405 0 0 557
Number of employees hired for a definite period (total number)
22 32 0 0 54
Number of employees with non-guaranteed working hours (total number)
0 0 0 0 0
Number of full-time employees (total number)
173 437 0 0 610
Number of part-time employees (total number)
1 0 0 0 1
* * Gender determined by employees themselves.
Methodology: Number of people employed as at December 31, 2023.

Number of employees by contract type, broken down by gender (number of people) in the Śnieżka Group

Śnieżka Group
[As at 31.12.2023]
Number of employees (total number)
383 757 0 0 1140
Number of employees hired for an indefinite period (total number)
332 706 0 0 1038
Number of employees hired for a definite period (total number)
51 51 0 0 102
Number of employees with non-guaranteed working hours (total number)
0 0 0 0 0
Number of full-time employees (total number)
376 754 0 0 1130
Number of part-time employees (total number)
7 3 0 0 10
* Gender determined by employees themselves.
Methodology: Number of people employed as at December 31, 2023.

The majority of the Group’s employees in 2023 – 757 persons – were men (66.4%, a decrease of 1.3%), which is associated with the production nature of the business and the high percentage of line positions. The share of men employed in the Group has not changed significantly over the last few years.


men working in the Group


women working in the Group

Information about employees by contract type, broken down by country (number of people)

Number of employees (total number)
778 178 169 15
Number of employees hired for an indefinite period (total number)
704 169 165 0 1038
Number of employees hired for a definite period (total number)
74 9 4 15 102
Number of employees with non-guaranteed working hours (total number)
0 0 0 0 0
Number of full-time employees (total number)
774 172 168 15 1129
Number of part-time employees (total number)
4 6 1 0 11
Methodology: Number of people employed as at December 31, 2023.

As at the end of 2023, the Group employed 91.05% of people on indefinite-term contracts. Fixed-term employees (8.95%) worked primarily in companies with production plants. Agreements concluded for a trial period accounted for approximately 1.6% of all contracts.

The Group does not employ temporary workers or other employees whose working time is not guaranteed.

91,05 %

people on indefinite-term contracts

Employee turnover rate

FFiL Śnieżka SA Śnieżka Group
Total number of employees who left the entity during the reporting period 30 87
Employee turnover rate in the reporting period 4.91% 7.63%
Methodology: Number of all employees who left voluntarily (including persons who terminated the contract in connection with acquiring pension rights) and as a result of termination of the contract by the employer). The above rate does not include employee transfers between the Group companies.

The Śnieżka Group considers each case of contract termination on an individual basis, taking into account the employee’s interest.

[ESRS S1-9]

Employees – broken down by structure and age*

Senior management staff FFiL Śnieżka SA Śnieżka Group
women men total women men total
aged below 30 0 0 0 0 0 0
aged between 30 and 50 14 18 32 38 51 89
aged over 50 3 11 14 16 26 42
Gender break down by % 37% 63% 41% 59%
TOTAL 17 29 46 54 77 131
Middle management staff
aged below 30 0 1 1 0 2 2
aged between 30 and 50 4 20 24 8 40 48
aged over 50 1 7 8 1 15 16
Gender break down by % 15% 85% 14% 86%
TOTAL 5 28 33 9 57 66
Other employees
aged below 30 15 54 69 50 74 124
aged between 30 and 50 109 220 329 203 364 567
aged over 50 28 106 134 67 185 252
Gender break down by % 29% 71% 34% 66%
TOTAL 152 380 532 320 623 943
Gender break down by % 28% 72% 34% 66%
TOTAL 174 437 611 383 757 1 140
Methodology: Number of people employed as at December 31, 2023. Managers who do not manage teams of employees (so-called "area managers") are excluded from the group of managers. According to the adopted definition, managerial positions include only persons managing teams of employees. This change is visible in the structure of employees in relation to the previous year. Senior management includes the Company's Management Board members and persons holding positions of Directors and Managers. Middle management staff includes entities holding positions of Leaders and Foremen.

197 persons (-3.9%) with managerial positions were hired in the Śnieżka Group at the end of 2023 – in total, they constituted 17.3% of all employees, and this percentage has changed slightly compared to 2022. There were 63 women among the management staff, 5 less than at the end of 2022.

The majority of people employed in the Group (61.8%) were aged between 30 and 50 in 2023. The share of women employed in the Group as well as men under 30 was 11,0%, and over 50 years of age – 27,2%.  No minors were employed in the Group in 2023. The youngest person was 21 years old.

The Group does not run an additional pension program for employees. In accordance with the Act on Employee Capital Plans, the ECP program was implemented in the Competence Centres of FFiL Śnieżka SA and Śnieżka ToC. The program is joined by those employees who did not submit a declaration of withdrawal, employees aged 55+ who voluntarily decided to join the program.

The Competence Centres also regulate pension contributions to the Social Insurance Institution on all employee income. In 2023, the amount of these contributions amounted to PLN 10.29 million. In foreign Companies, contributions were paid as required by the local law.

The Śnieżka Group treats all employees equally and counteracts discrimination and mobbing. A Diversity Policy has been implemented throughout the Group, the provisions of which are based on the Labour Code. The Group undertakes to:

  • prevent discrimination regardless of the criteria,
  • manage diversity and create a work environment in which each employee can feel appreciated, which ultimately contributes to the success of the entire Śnieżka Group.

The Group promotes and disseminates the principles of equal treatment and anti-discrimination among all stakeholders. In the Group’s opinion, concern for diversity influences the creativity, effectiveness and loyalty of employees as well as the expansion of the sales market and customer base. Diversity also increases the chances of attracting new talent and driving team innovation, which ultimately translates into better business effectiveness for the organization. The objective of the Diversity Policy is to fully deploy the employees’ potential, skills, experience and talents in an atmosphere of respect and support.

FFIL ŚNIEŻKA SA has not developed any separate diversity policy with regard to the company’s administrative, management and supervisory bodies. The criteria for employing staff in key positions in these bodies are qualifications – including education, competences and professional experience – and meeting the requirements for a given position. The evaluation of candidates is not influenced by their gender or age, and whenever possible, the Company strives to ensure versatility and diversity among the Company’s authorities and its key managers.

[ESRS G1-1]

The Group undertakes to counteract all forms of discrimination, mobbing, insults, harassment or lack of respect for other people – both among employees and co-workers throughout the value chain.  No discrimination behaviour will be tolerated in the companies of the Śnieżka Group. This issue is detailed in the Regulations for Counteracting Mobbing, Discrimination and Harassment. The document contains definitions of the Group’s broad understanding of unacceptable phenomena such as mobbing, harassment or discrimination, as well as mechanisms to be used in cases of identified irregularities.

An Anti-Mobbing Committee operates at FFIL Śnieżka SA. In accordance with the above Regulations, all possible cases of breach of the Regulations for Counteracting Mobbing, Discrimination and Harassment must be reported to the committee. The Anti-Mobbing Committee each time initiates explanatory proceedings and, if a human rights violation is confirmed, takes action to mitigate its reoccurrence in the future. In 2023, the Committee did not receive any notification related to violations of human rights.

The Regulations also oblige the Company to conduct educational and communication campaigns regarding the protection of human rights. FFiL Śnieżka SA and Śnieżka ToC hold annual training on counteracting mobbing and discrimination in the workplace.  In 2023, apart form the company’s management staff -it also embraced administrative and line employees. A total of 97% of employees completed the online training:

566 out of 572

eligible employees of Śnieżka SA, i.e. 99%,

109 out of 115

eligible employees of Śnieżka ToC, i.e. 95%.