Capital Group
Letter of the President of the Management Board
Business characteristics
Organizational structure
Business model and value chain
Value and capital creation model
Conditions for building competitiveness
Principles used to prepare the non-financial report
Compliance with the accounting act
Simplified materiality analysis
Index of ESRS content and own indicators
Glossary of terms
Contact regarding the report
Śnieżka in 2023
Market and regulatory and business environment
Macroeconomic situation
Regulatory environment
Condition of the sector
Raw materials
Group activities
Sales volumes
Financial standing
Cash flows
Key financial performance of the Group
Financial ratios
Other information
Parent company
Śnieżka SA
Key financial and operating performance
Ownership structure
Stock exchange listings on the WSE
Investor relations
Development prospects
Factors affecting the development and performance
Key development directions
Strategic objectives
Development plans
Approach to sustainable development
Approach to environmental issues
Taxonomic disclosure
Impact of operations on the environment and climate
Emissions and carbon footprint management
Raw materials
Sustainable packaging
Product liability
Responsible marketing
Safe composition
Our products
Research and development activities
Responsible purchasing
Staff involvement and development
Organizational culture
Creating a diverse and inclusive work environment
Employee development
Employment conditions
Occupational health and safety
Social involvement
Approach to social involvement
Śnieżka foundation
Other social-related activities
Business and management
Code of ethics
Respect for human rights
Counteracting corruption
Counteracting unfair market practices and unfair competition
Risks in the Group’s operations
Identified business risks
Risk associated with macroeconomic situation
Strategic risk
Risk associated with operational activities
The risk associated with competition
Financial risk
IT risk – cyber threats
The risk related to the loss and the inability to obtain qualified staff
Legal risk
Risks characteristic to foreign markets
Risk associated with product defects
Identified non-financial risks
Corporate governance
Corporate governance principles and a statement on the application of corporate governance
Internal control and risk management systems in relation to the processes of preparing financial statements
The articles of association
General meeting
Supervisory board and audit committee
Management Board
Auditing firm selection
Remuneration policy
IR contact
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